High cut accuracy, durable construction and focus on easy, fast and reliable operation is what characterizes the Opti-Kap 1000 series.
The Opti-Kap 1000 series automatically recognizes the lengths as well as marked or scanned defects and cuts the workpieces into components with an extremely high accuracy. The clamping unit combines the benefits of a high efficiency “Through-Feed” with the accuracy of a “Push-Feed” cross-cut saw. Opti-Kap 1000 has a positioning accuracy of ± 0.1 mm (0.004”).
Designed to meet your production requirements, Opti-Kap 1000 can be mixed and matched with a wide range of infeed (Opti-Feed) and outfeed (Opti-Stack) solutions.
Opti-Kap 1000 is an optimizing cross-cut solution, ensuring optimal utilization of your staff and wood resources with a minimum of waste. This will provide both a higher yield and increased efficiency of your production.